Last year, Stockwell Bus Garage held an open day and I went along. A slightly strange thing to do, but it's not far from here, and on the way to town. I had a slight curiosity and thought there would be worse ways to spend an hour or so.
The garage is said to be architecturally interesting - at the time of construction it was Europe's largest unsupported roof span. The building is listed as Grade II*.
The main attraction for me was to see B2737 – the Battle Bus. Here, it looks shiny with bright paint; for war work it was painted khaki. I recently read a history of London Underground which, commenting on the Inter War boom, mentioned that the Underground got a competitive edge over the buses that had been commandeered for war. Those that returned didn't so in great nick (an analogy for participants).
Unexpectedly, there was a chance to take a ride on an open top Routemaster through the streets of South West London. Probably more exciting for people who had come from further afield but pleasant.