This blog is only one aspect of my personality.
If you know me in Real Life, don't read anything from this blog into how you expect me to be when we next meet. I think most sane human beings present different aspects of themselves in different situations.
If you only know me via the Blog, this is only one aspect of my personality. I am a different person at work, or amongst extended family, or with friends, let alone in private.
More or less everything on here is true, except where clearly marked as imaginary. Sometimes I obfuscate on timescales. Sometimes something that happened to 'a friend' was actually an anecdote told by a 'friend of a friend'. Obviously, it will only be the truth as I see it. There is often at least two sides to a story.
It is not the whole truth. I do not blog about the substance of my work, nor do I express opinions on policy areas for which my employer has responsibility. I don't tend to write about when I am angst-ridden, or depressed, or about emotional and financial problems. Just because I don't write about my faults doesn't mean I am not aware of them.
I don't write about other people's problems, on the whole. Generally not their health, nor their bereavement and grief. There are always exceptions, but I try to be sensitive. I sometimes write about my own health but only when either I think it's relevant or there's a story worth telling. Sometimes I display Double-Standards. Live with it, it's because I'm a sensitive and complex human being ;-)
Sometimes it takes just a few moments to rattle off a post. So don't assume that its subject matter is all-consuming. Sometimes I write - or rant - about things that probably don't matter in the Big Picture. So what? Very few people indeed can ignore the trivial, especially when it affects them directly, or when they have a bee in their bonnet about it. Such interests are not, in themselves, faults. But I do have standards, and I make no apology for mocking those who fail to come up to them, especially if they could if they tried, or if they make themselves out to be something they're not. In fact one of my major bugbears is people who self-aggrandise. People in the public-eye, that is. I suppose most everyday folk need to Big Themselves Up From Time to Time. Just as long as it's not at the expense of anyone else's feelings.
This is a very defensive list. In fact, I tend to take people as I find them, which may seem negative, but, actually, if people are being friendly, I tend to assume they are friendly, until and unless they give me reason to think otherwise. I like the complexity of people who do bad things but are fun, and especially people with strong moral codes and massive blindspots!
I assume that my readers are adults. There is some content here which many wise people would consider unsuitable for children.