In late May 2003 my house was burgled, which was an unnerving experience. The silver lining in the cloud was that the scrote stole my basic point-and-shoot camera. I had been umming and erring for months about whether to upgrade. With my hand forced, I did. I bought a Canon G3, which almost literally changed my life. A lovely camera which unfortunately developed a mechanical problem with the zoom a couple of years ago. I replaced it with its successor, the Canon G11, which has more features but just isn't as good.
In the first month I shot a great number of photos. They are mainly of no consequence, some are pretty poor, but there are some I'm really quite fond of. Some of them I'd compose differently nowadays, but I'm not sure that would be an improvement. Sometimes raw instinct works better than thinking too deeply about theory.
We went for a walk in Dulwich Park and realised they had a fair on:
On one particularly hot Sunday, we walked from Richmond to Kew, and caught a boat back to Westminster.