A few weeks ago I declared that I would copy loads of other people and take part in the Photo 365 Project, as one could grandly call it. For a few days I stuck at it, and then something happened - I was feeling lousy, or the weather was dreary, or something, not important, or my diary was jam-packed during daylight hours and I didn't take a photo.
I looked at the photos sitting in my 'To Edit' folder, and thought - are you actually lacking in opportunities and inspiration to take photos? Even now, I have almost 300 photos taken when we were in Spain in September that I haven't edited (or decided they're not worth the effort!).
I have 30 photos from when I went on an unplanned stroll around the City of London, 40 from our ride out to Wimbledon Park, over 40 still from Stephen and Jelena's wedding, nearly 60 from when I went for a walk round near my mother's, and over 20 of the nephews and nieces, plus assorted others. Why on earth would I want to take more photos when I still have those to occupy me through winter. Spring will come again and the outings and excursions will recommence (once I get my brake pads fixed!), and there will be more photos.
Lifeguards on Villajoyosa Beach as the storm was rising, and we escaped into a pub, fortunately it was fruit cake day, so we got lucky.