The more observant among you will have noticed that a couple of weeks ago I announced, with a grand flourish that I was going to take a photo every day and publish it.
And then, after a couple of days, I missed a day.
And then another day.
I realised that it is actually quite difficult to do. If I go somewhere specific, I take lots of photos as things appear to me, but then, back home, I reject large numbers of them.
The point of this is to go around my everyday routine, to and from work, to the shops, the odd evening out, and be looking for something out of the ordinary to photo. Having the courage to take out my camera in unexpected places, and then frame the shot to make it worthwhile.
I decided that as I still have lots of photos to be edited from summer outings, and in a couple of weeks I shall be on holiday, I shall start again in earnest.
Specifically on 1 October, which is a pretty random day but means that the first few months will be resolutely autumn and winter. I take more photos in Spring/Summer than Autumn/Winter and I guess most people are the same.
But, in fact, some of the more interesting light is in Autumn and Winter, and it should act as spur to take photos of small objects of details in often gloomy or miserable weather
Just because I haven't been publishing doesn't mean I have been entirely camera shy. For example, I took this last week as I walked from South Kensington station to the Royal Albert Hall - it's a bit of detail on the wall of the Victoria and Albert Museum.