I was in two minds whether to post these because I really don't like Andrea Bocelli - there's something about his voice that reminds me of that high pitched interference you'd get on radio broadcasts from the continent back in the 70s.
Andrea Bocelli Placido Domingo Pearlfishers Teatro del Silenzio 2009
Plácido Domingo and Andrea Bocelli sing Nessun Dorma
And this compilation from the concert contains a brief excerpt of Plácido singing Amor, vida di mi vida, also Katherine 'Warbling Barbie' Jenkins remaining frigid while singing/waltzing Lippen Schweigen with Mr Charisma, and far too much of Andrea Senzatalento nasal whining (I sat through ten minutes of this, dDear Reader, for your sake)
And to clear the palate, a tantalising 36 second clip from Otello at Verona
and a minute and a half of Cyrano's death scene, again tantalising because he gets as far as falling onto the chair, but the falling on to the floor, and rolling, is yet to come.