On Monday, reportedly. Which is good news. They have announced that, unless I pay them some money, you will be faced with an advert every time you click on my blogroll, which seems fair enough. I expect I shall stump up.
I don't mind paying small fees for services, and I don't really see how, in a global economic downturn, advertising revenue will be sufficient to keep the internet going.
But I do feel a little uneasy about giving money to someone who explains the introduction of advertising with the phrase
This is the vision that you see instantiated in these screen shots.
I am currently writing a manual on how to write reports - which believe me is the most fun one can have whilst actually getting paid real cash money. I cannot begin to comprehend how anyone could possibly have come up with that phrase, let alone thought it would be a good idea to use it.
How about...You can see what I mean in these screenshots. That would work for me.