We have lift off.
I think it's pretty launchable. Still endless fiddling and trimming to do.
Most notably, I have to:
- finish off importing photos from Under Developed
- add a blogroll
- rejig categories
- update internal links on a post-by-post basis
- other things as recommended by readers
I will set up an auto-redirect from mmofm in due course.
Otherwise, things are much as they were.
I will from time-to-time, but sparingly, have the occasional password protected post, or, more likely photo album. Generally, these will be for eg family friends or workmates only, or, conversely, to bar family members or workmates. In such cases, a quick email applying for a password will suffice. I will judge each applicant on a case-by-case basis, but assuming you either fit the inclusion criteria or don't fit the exclusion criteria, and I have a vague sense of who you are (ie not some random fly-by-night googler) it shouldn't be a problem.
And in the next few days there is even a chance this site might become content rich!
In the meantime, update your feedreader - here's an atom link