The other day, I could not avoid overhearing a conversation between two women, possibly sisters, about my age. One of them mentioned that her friend Phoebe was due any day now. The other said, 'Oh she's the one who was having the affair..." at which point my ears pricked up.
Phoebe, who is a teacher (so not some chav!) was having an affair with the married man across the road. They have now split up and he is staying with his wife. Across the road. And Phoebe is large with about-to-be-born child. Across the road from the babyfather and his wife!
In the pharmacist, stocking up on Iron tablets, Vitamin B complex and Rennies (to go with my Tramadol, Mefenamic Acid, Valerian, Vitamin E, Starflower Oil, and Oil of Evening Primrose...yes, I rattle). A woman comes in and asks of the pharmacy assistant "Can I have the morning-after pill, please?" "Take a seat," said the assistant. And the woman said "Oh, um, I can't stay, because I've parked in a really awkward place on the estate, blocking in two other cars." I was sorely tempted to say:
"You're not very organised, are you, you're not really into planning ahead.."
But I didn't!