It's quite simple to do.
What you do is you spend the best part of a week with disturbed sleep - however tired you are, you can't switch off brain. Add in an angle grinder going from 8-4 for five days, a Sloane Ranger baying into her phone under your bedroom window at 2 am Saturday, a necessity to get up for gasman Friday and Saturday mornings 8 am (not just up, but dressed, and bathroom tidy), plus three Howling Banshees and their Grunting Boyfriends audible in my bedroom (they weren't shagging, this is what passes as conversation next door) at 1.30 Sunday morning. Follow by a night wearing earplugs, and a wake up to a dull ache in right ear.
Put fingers on keyboard and the word that emerges is "ipentfgelsea"
Pls to use as you feel appropriate.