I discovered by accident yesterday that if you right click on a photo on this blog, and then 'View Image', the page that comes up has the actual photo as the page icon. Utterly pointless but a bit of fun.
Analysing my site stats I suspect that people are not fully taking advantage of the 'Linky Log' which shows outward links when I either don't have anything to say or else no time in which to say it. Many of them are to YouTube. Bit of a tip on You Tube searching - it's worth searching on names with and without accents eg Placido/Plácido, Villazon/Villazón, Alvarez/Álvarez. On my keyboard at any rate, a quick way to put in that accent is by pressing the Alt Gr key whilst pressing the a, o key. Thanks to Nephew #1 for that tip. YMMV.
Also analysing my site stats, via sitemeter, I find out little bits about people. The site stats tells me, in general, about a specific visitor - who their ISP is, what country they are in, possibly what town (although I know that my ISP, BT Internet randomly assigns me to servers anywhere in Britain). It also tells me the referring site, your entry page, your exit page, and an outclick. This is fascinating to me, although more so in the aggregate than the individual. And for example, it gives useful information as to whether people are actually finding the right pages to match their search terms; or the proportion of people who come to the front page vs those who hit a particular category archive.
As far as I am concerned this information is confidential and will never be discussed - except in the aggregate - on this blog. I will certainly never divulge where any individual, identifiable or not, works, except perhaps face-to-face: eg I said to one site visitor when I met them in person "You work for a such-and-such company" or once at work I said "Someone from this organisation did a google on my name at four o'clock yesterday" and my colleague (I knew it was almost certainly one of her and about three other people) went bright red and 'fessed up. If any colleagues were to notify me, either in real life or by email, that they are colleagues and bloggers, that remains between us.
I may occasionally comment that I have had loads of hits from large and/or well-known organisations, eg the BBC or the House of Commons, or that I seem particularly popular in Named Country, but I would never say that I have had multiple hits on a particular post from Grabbit and Run Ltd, for example.
If you analyse your site stats and see a referral from Bloglines3057397, that's me.
I have been unable to do weird search requests for a while because half my hits are people coming for pictures of Dvd Bckm or Crstno Rnldo - pictures that have been removed but are still live on Google Images. Many of the rest are eminently sensible, or at least, understandable (ie the words all appear but not necessarily in the same sentence) requests eg what is Crstno Rnldo p3n1s size? or Pixtures Pincress Daina itaian dyeing newspapers