Oh fuck, wine is evil. We only had three bottles between usm, whjic amounts to noyt very much each.
I am so goiuing to sleep for ever tomorrow whichis a shame because ALanm Mortgage is cominground and expects me to have done blah de blah de blah.
Wine id ficking ecil. It should be banned.
nd friends. Its do fuc,ling difficult, forst he was my friend then he got together ith her, get married I said, s othey did, now she's my froind, an dI shouldn't take sides but from what she says I dob't want to know him and I know there are two sides to every dtory but I can'y cope with people splitting up and I'm a crap nmatcmaker becayse they always end up getting divorced.
Win eis fucking evil. Even whjne wasjed down by an ALicante Paellla. Her Madrilena Paella sounded more civilised than a fucking Alicante. How do you convince an American - even one wanting Englisgd cotenzry that the Englisgh in Spain are not all - hey look, I di dth eHTLM - barbarians but some Englishg like a Paella evcen if it is ALicante not fuckinmg Madrilena with chicken or Valencian with pork and chorizo.
Oh shit I'm fuvkinbg areholed.