According to the internet it is possible to:
- incorporate into a daily post all the posts that one makes to delicious during the previous 24 hours
- automagically post from YouTube using the 'Sharing Options'
I have tried both but to no avail (annoyingly, I did used to be able to post from delicious to Typepad).
According to the instructions, this is how I should do it:
- job_name: doesn't matter
- out_username is the login name you use for your blog - Typepad have confirmed that this is the email I use to log into Typepad
- out_password is the password you use for your blog - this isn't a technical challenge
- out_url is the full URL of the XML-RPC interface for your blog: Typepad's knowledge base says this is
- out_blog_id is your blog ID number which I believe to be 6a00e551ef6300883400e551d96e0d8833 although previously it was a different, much shorter number
- out_cat_id is optional: the category ID number in your blog where you'd like to put these posts this doesn't work in Typepad
- out_hour is the hour (from 0-23 in UTC) to post your links at daily this can be anything
With YouTube, I followed the instructions to get YouTube to recognise my blog, which it does. When I go to a clip, I have in my share options (between the star rating and the comments) an option to post to this blog. but when I try, it doesn't work.
Does anyone else - using Typepad - have success with either of these options? If so, can you see where I'm going wrong?