Controls urged on teenage drivers
I can understand - and to some extent sympathise - the concern over murderous driving. But a reaction to a few recent headlines doesn't really disguise the fact that thousands of people die every year at the hands of dangerous drivers of all ages.
Banning teenagers (which I suspect would translate to under-21s) from carrying passengers after dark will destroy any attempts to popularise 'designated drivers', will place a lot more teenagers at risk from attacks from predators and violent passers-by. Also, nightfall comes very early at some times of years, so presumably this will rule out car-pools to and from work, school and college, nannies/au pairs/older siblings and young parents on the school run, and be against the interests of teenagers with constructive evening activities such as drama, sport, church etc.
I wonder if the efforts of the police would be better spent enforcing a ban on all teenagers or targeting any drivers that show any signs of disregard for other road users - thunderous cRap music, lack of indicators when turning, children without seat belts (let alone booster seats). I understand that the mobile phone ban is honoured more in the breech than the observance.
Of course it is a problem, but no problem has ever been solved by knee-jerk reactions.