Details of TV and Radio broadcasts. I shall attempt to do a bit 'live-blogging' - dreadful word, worse concept. Except Tuesday, for I shall be at Covent Garden for Fidelio (which is, by all accounts, dreadful; if so I shall sell my ticket for the performance I also have booked in two weeks time). Oh, and maybe not Wednesday, because we have vague plans to Big ScreenDon Giovanni (weather permitting) (Erwin Schrott, Anna Netrebko - it's about time ROH presented me with something memorable)
Details of competitors, Guide to Opera mini-site , Frockwatch.
Mr USA Ryan McKinney who blogs as Opera Daddy has been on my bloglines for months, and his omisison from my blogroll is a bizarre oversight.
Update: (On DG, not Cardiff). Trebs has dropped out of the first night of Don Giovanni. Fortunately, the replacement is Marina Poplavskaya, who is more than up to the job - we were delighted when she was announced as the replacement for Angela Gheorghiu in Don Carlo and were well disappointed that she never got to appear in Cyrano de Bergerac for which she was covering (and we saw five times, so would have liked a better soprano than the one we had to endure five times). Let's be honest, Donna Anna isn't that much of a role, anyway. The stars are DG and Leporello, and Donna Anna is arguably the Third Lady