I would love to know how to manage To Do Lists.
I'm actually not bad at work. I've tried all sorts of different methods and have come back to the list. Most specifically, keeping a bound book where a list of things that need doing this week can be crossed through and carried forward. Coupled with Outlook Reminders for 'Chase up in two weeks time', this tends to work well. Every phone call made, even if only to leave a message can be marked as an achievement.
I have never worked out how to manage non work stuff.
For example, at the moment I have a to do list that says 'get dressed, check to see if anything needs recording off telly, gather stuff together for going out'.
I have another one that says 'Write Christmas Cards'. Oh...
A list of people to contact when I have the time and energy and believe it won't impinge on them.
A few things to do on Tuesday morning: contact mortgage company, contact GP's surgery (about CICA claim). Also, fill in tax form...it's a five minute job, just do it.
There's stuff that needs doing round the house but isn't urgent. Conversations to be had with Jimmy and decisions made. Books to read.
And so on. I just wish there was something that worked for me that managed to combine the 'must do at earliest opportunity' tasks with the medium term projects, the chores with the pleasure, that can be crossed off as urgent tasks are completed but retained for the wish list. I've tried using categorised to do lists on my Palm, but that doesn't work.
I have considered the nice notebook approach, lightweight and always with me, scheduling an hour for 'Weekly Review'. That seems attractive but it requires something which for me is a great failing...a disciplined approach and not losing interest.
It used to be a lot easier when I was a busy person. Things just got done, because not doing them was misery.