Just been walking back from the pub after having a couple of pleasant halves. Walking along Streatham Place. Some horrible children are busy throwing fireworks, with bangs sparks and gunpowder, then running off along Tierney Road. I called the police. The operator said that she'll send a patrol along and if they're still there, throwing fireworks, they'll 'have a word'. Hmm.
Section 80 of the Explosives Act 1875 prohibits throwing or setting off fireworks on any highway, street, thoroughfare or public place...this carries a maximum of a £5,000 fine, six months in prison or both. Or the police will 'have a word'.
I'm certain they are some of the gang of fifteen who beat up a man outside Tesco (he was resuscitated by the Police), whose eye was hanging out of its socket, and filmed it on a camcorder (which the Police confiscated) a fortnight or so ago.
Meanwhile, someone on BBC London News is saying that it's a breach of Human Rights to contemplate fining parents up to £5,000 if their child commits an 'innocent mistake'. Huh? What aspect of these violent incidents is 'innocent'.
We crossed over the South Circular Road (speed limit 40 mph) in the rush hour, in the dark, wearing dark non-reflective clothing, rather than be hit by rockets. Half an hour later my pulse was still racing. Next time, I dial 999.
Misuse of fireworks may also amount to a breach of the peace, particularly where an individual lets off a firework in the street and is causing a nuisance...Under the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1986, a person is guilty of an offence if they use disorderly behaviour within the hearing or sight of another person causing them harassment, alarm or distress. This is a more serious offence than breach of the peace.
Trouble is, finding the fuckers, locking them up, and making a case that stands up in court is more difficult than simply passing toothless legislation. And imprisoning the fuckers who sell them would help.