Raffe has kindly alerted me to
Plácido singing Winterstürme wichen dem Wonnemond from Die Walküre at Tuesday's World Cup 3 Orchestras and Stars Concert in Munich.
As a btw, does anybody know how I can go through the process of copying a DVD into a format for uploading to You Tube. Not that I should be allowed ontoYouTube. Once I start, I can't stop. So of course, I end up finding this
Pláci and Sarah Brightman singing Là ci darem le mano
Hmm, I think a couple of the comments are showing their complete ignorance of a) what this duet is about and b) what Don Giovanni is about...Ma, ma in Ispagna, son gia mille e tre!
And some tenorial rolling on the ground in Luisa Miller. Not one of his best rolls, though...
And then there's Somewhere...