My site stats say that the overwhelming vast majority of my visitors use Internet Explorer:
Even that understates reality, because the Firefox stats is distorted by my use.
At work, we have no choice but to use Internet Explorer, which drives me nuts.
But I don't understand why people use it at home, when they have the choice not to.
Mainly, anyway. I absolutely hate sites that say they won't work except in IE. Often from big big big organisations. I clicked onto the BT Internet help page, which is a big sinner in this respect, and they presented me with a pop-up survey to feedback my thoughts. Only they insisted I used IE. Why do big companies do this?
And why does anybody use IE when they have the choice not to? I had it preloaded onto my PC when I bought it. In a spectacularly ugly rendition.
And, on a related note, why do people use Outlook Express?
I know what the answer is - 'it came with the PC, and I see no reason to take two minutes to change it'. But that's like saying, I bought a cassette player and it came with a complimentary cassette, so I thought I had better play that cassette every day, even though it's full of music that's not to my taste.
I would be interested to know how many people, having tried Mozilla/Firefox/Opera/Safari ever return to IE as their browser of choice.