I was looking at something in the course of work and discovered something interesting.
In England and Wales, in order to get married, you have to give notice and then wait fifteen days.
I CBATG whether the reverse also applies - that a marriage can be converted to a Civil Partnership on production of a gender recognition certificate.
It's stuff like this that makes me proud we have a Labour Government, and not one that thinks that somehow a civil partnership will undermine marriage. You know, whenever people trot out that argument it always puts me right off marriage, because I wouldn't wish to enter into something so fragile that it's so easily undermined.
I think it's wonderful that such a concession exists - and in answer to the query that someone posed when I mentioned it in conversation, I think the waiving of the fifteen day notice is because there has already been chance to object to the Civil Partnership; the fact that no one objected first time means de facto there is not considered to be any objections.
It would be interesting to find out in due course how many such switches from Civil Partnership to marriage (and vice versa, if relevant) occur.