I thought we were supposed to be an era of fast-moving news agenda where nothing stands still. Quarter past two and the vultures are still outside the building. I saw Adam Boulton...even though I try to avoid to Sky News, I know he's famous. And there was another TV person, some woman, I think from ITN. But I certainly don't watch ITN, downmarket non-news.
How difficult must it be to be paid a six figure sum to spout bullshit for a couple of moments each hour? These TV people make a living out of criticising how other people do or don't do their jobs, but I don't suppose it has occurred to them to go out and do some investigating, perhaps earn the title of 'Journalist'. I would think that just spewing meaningless words is quite a lot easier than being on a reality TV show, let alone working for a living.
I also spotted one of our Ministers this morning. I think he'd probably been outside for a spot to camera, in the sunshine, as opposed to yesterday's rain when he wisely stuck to the foyer. That completed my trio of obscure politicians in twenty-four hours, having noticed George Young in the Amphitheatre Bar last night, presumably going to La Fille Mal Gardee.
I think it's tantamount to an infringement on Civil Liberties when a girl can't have a cigarette without running the risk of being on National TV.
Of course, I have views on the substance of the matter, but I'm not going to blog them, am I?