Sorry if I'm boring regular readers with my step-by-step chronicling of the crane-Sky saga. I promise some online quizzes soon ;-) And if the demand is there, kittens*
But if my experience is of use to any Googlers, then I offer no apology.
I contacted Lambeth Noise and Pollution control, who were of the opinion that it might well constitute a Statutory Nuisance.
The suggested I contact Ofcom, which I did. Both Lambeth and Ofcom are of the view that I am not being unreasonable expecting an uninterrupted TV service at all times. Part of my mind was thinking that rights to daylight and sunlight are enshrined in planning legislation, but satellite TV isn't, and there will always be some smartarse who will exclaim "You don't need TV, read a book instead..."
Ofcom said that if the construction company are not prepared to take all necessary steps it would be a matter between Sky and them, and that problems often occur, either with building works or with when buildings have gone up.
NOTE TO GOOGLERS: When you are confronted with a planning application, whether you object or not, ensure that the conditions of consent include provision that the building works must not interfere with TV or radio reception (whether terrestrial, satellite or cable). If that is part of the planning consent, you have more ammunition.
The Ofcom woman also said that in general, construction companies are eager to do what is required, and it is unlikely to need legal action.
Jimmy went to see the site manager, who commented that the Manchester United v Newcastle match was very exciting, and Rooney should have had three. Cheers, mate...! He did offer to park the crane with the brake on - which would solve our TV problem - but Jimmy said "Best not". If it were a straight choice between no telly or a house destroyed by falling crane (plus concrete boom) I would choose the 'no telly' anytime. We had discussed and rejected that option yesterday. Bluntly, if that crane fell as a result of being braked and one person was killed or even injured neither of us could live with that on our consciences.
I shall wait for the project manager to get back to me. Which had better be quick, because I am not renowned for my patience.
*I lied about the kittens. There will be no kittens...