I don't know if you're like me, signed up to numerous mailing lists. I keep receiving mail shots from left, right and centre. Not spam - these are from organisations I have done business with. Part of me thinks I should just unregister. Another part of me feels that I would regret it if I did.
At 1930 I got a Ticketmaster email and was about to delete it, then I saw something that said "Classical Brits". It didn't mean anything to me, so I clicked and realised that it is that ghastly award ceremony that Classic FM and ITV 2½ lay on every year to give Simon Bates the opportunity to sound smug and for Katherine "Warbling Barbie" Jenkins to display her decolletage. Shrug I thought.
Then two words leapt off the page at me. Within moments, I was clicking the 'Best seat send it to me, never mind the cost' button, praying they take 'Switch', cos Jimmy decided to leave his Visa card in India or on the plane, as one does...They do, it's the Albert Hall who don't online.
For one nano-second, I hesitated. It's the evening of the Local Elections. Vital Local Elections, essential to get the corrupt incompetent Lib-Dem Tories ousted from Lambeth.
But no more than a nano-second. Heck, elections are not won or lost on the Thursday evening.
Five times - yes, count them, five times - I'll be seeing him in May. Four times in Cyrano (don't ask me how, I just am!) and at the Classical Brits. I can always put my earplugs in where Simon Bates is being smug. And snigger at Warbling Barbie's decolletage