It is driving me fucking mad.
What bloody right have those fucking arseholes got to bombard and bombard and bombard us with their moronic "Whoosh! Band! Weeh!"
Fucking moronic arseholes every single last one of them.
Without exception.
Tough bloody shit if you bought fireworks
Leave a comment.
Argue with me.
Rest assured I shall not approve that comment. And rest a-bloody-ssured, not only only will you be de-blogrolled, you'll also be banned as a commenter.
Fucking bloody terrorists. The whole bleeding lot of you ought to be ASBO'd forthwith.
How fucking dare you? I've had it non-bloody stop for two fucking weeks. I'm goiung to get it non-bloody stop for another fucking week.
Some arsehole at work took her bloody child out 'trick and treating' on Monday (hello? what's that about?) and said it was a bit worrying, because the sticks from the fireworks 'might have hit the children'. Oooh, lah-di-dah. My bleedingheart bleeds. Try getting hit by a fucking live firework. And don't tell me about cultural sensitivity. It's five to bloody twelve. Setting off bangs at this time is not about anything but BULLYING. And if you do it, take a long hard bloody look at yourself, examine your conscience - if you have one - and fuck off from this Blog because you ARE ABSOLUTELTY NOT WELCOME here.
A couple of years ago I read Frizzy Logic who had to comfort a terrified toddler night after night. Lyle D4D has a hound on sedatives.
Leave a comment. Try and justify it. Just remember, I shall laugh and scorn you. And ban you. And name and shame you.
Oh, and by the way - if you happen to work with me, and let off a party popper anywhere near me around Christmas, take this as fair warning that
a) I am never game for bullying, especially when disguised as a practical joke;
b) You will get slapped across the face AND your hair pulled. And your balls kicked; and
c) I shall file a formal complaint and demand dismissal; I shall simultaneously report you to the police. This is non-negotiable. I shall be sending an email around all Conference delegates to this effect.