August is the month when absolutely nothing happens ever.
It's a fact.
Certainly, there is less in the way of manufactured news. No Parliamentary business. It's unlikely that the results of research will be released in August.
There again the coup against Gorbachev happened in August - and the world held its breath. Princess Diana died in August.
The newspapers sit around saying that August is the silly season, as a justification for their lazy journalism. How do they justify it for the rest of the year?
However, this blog is a free product brought to you courtesy of my whims.
"I don't read your website any more - you just write essays..." JWG, 9, Gtr Mcr
There are things sitting in the editng suite and on the Palm. Half written and half baked. At home I don't want to sit at the computer -I need a new chair; my current one is contrary to all good practice guidance.
I have taken to the sofa in a severe attack of crapfiction. I'm neglecting the blogroll. I am not delivering the blogging service as I might do. But that's nothing compared to the Audit Reports I'm not delivering...!
I blame it on August, the silly season.
And this afternoon is so dragging. It seems like an hour and a half since I last went for a wander. My watch says it was 25 minutes ago.
I have got so much to do and so little inclination to do it.
I'm being drawn to the sofa and crapfiction.