I acquired this when I was a student. I won it from Radio Trent. I can't for the life of me remember why now, but I did cause some amusement by saying that I lived under the flyover - the Dunkirk flyover is one of the oldest in Britain and whilst I lived in Dunkirk, its widening was a major civil engineering project. We even got newsletters through the door updating us on Flyover progress.
It's a lovely album. The title track is quite possibly one of my very favourite tracks of all time, but there are some other pleasant tracks, notably Promise to Try, Dear Jesse, and Spanish Eyes
I actually wrote "That having been said, considering this is a vinyl-cassette transfer, I do feel it is more or less made redundant by Immaculate Collection which I have on CD." Then I realised that that was rot.
I suppose nowadays we tend to think of Madonna as a rather foolish attention seeking woman who is famous just for being famous. But listening to this record is a strong reminder that back then she was a rather foolish attention seeking woman with some amazingly good songs on her CV, who in my view (and despite some noteable precursors) totally revolutionised the role of women in pop music. And, although, no doubt, seriously enhanced by studio engineers, her voice has plenty of colour in it.
This is more redundant by the Immaculate Collection, with its truly good tracks being on there. Love Makes the World go Round isn't, but, although I like it, it isn't a reason in itself to get the album. I suppose I like 'Jimmy, Jimmy' but my reasons are not musical...