Credits roll for TV ads as viewers skip the message
I am really really surprised that only 2% of households have Sky+. I would love to know the socio-economic breakdown of that.
Over the years from when I first got a video I have been amazed at how many people have been amazed at my style of TV watching. I rarely watch 'what's on' , certainly not in comparison to when I go through the Radio Times, marking what I want to watch, and recording it to be watched when I feel like it.
Last night was very ununusual in that I watched West Wing as broadcast, and then a Canadian murder mystery on UKTV Drama - Inspector Murdoch. That had a lot of ad breaks, which we found exceptionally annoying.
I was trying to persuade yesterday that I am totally impervious to advertising. That's bollocks, of course, but I am almost totally impervious to TV adverts. I had a stupid argument with my patronising bitch of a dentist, sorry, ex-dentist, who would not accept that TV anti-smoking ads are unlikely to make me give up smoking, seeing that I don't watch them. "Most people..." she said. "Fuck off I'm not 'most people' I didn't say. (She also told me that smoking will cause cavities, yeah, no doubt, and I bet I'm her only (ex-)patient without fillings - although I know that can't last for ever. And I asked her what elelments of diet contribute to healthy gums. A balanced diet, she replied. 'Fuck off you ignorant patronising bitch' I didn't say.)
I think it's fair to say that Nicola the humourless condescending bitch of a dentist is pretty high on my list of enemies. Oh why did the lovely lovely lovely Andy have to retire? It certainly wasn't on the money I paid him!