Oops, late again...
My apologies. 30 January 2005 was the day where Gert suffered from the mother and father of all hangovers, together with a dead leg and dead arm, caused by falling off her seat at the Royal Opera House, two blistered fingers from the strange mishandling of a cigarette at the Marquis of Anglesey, and, just to cap it all, PMS.
Anyway, yesterday's birthdays...
1882 Franklin Delano Roosevelt, one of the very greatest statesmen in history. IMO.
1913 Percy Thrower. An ex-boyfriend of mine confessed that his brother and some mates trashed the Blue Peter garden. Those of us of a certain vintage will remember what a national day of shame this was.
1937 Vanessa Redgrave, actress and agitator
1941 Dick Cheney. Puppet master. Very scary man. Towering intelligence. Very very scary
1951 Phil Collins. Even scarier
1960 Gerald Finley. Baritone with whose voice I fell in love on Saturday night...And I shall be seeing and hearing him again in May.