Why my little boy is downshifting
Some so-called journalist getting paid no doubt a tidy sum to winge in public about her tiny non-problem.
Her five year old so doesn't want to be hothoused and forced into hateful activity afetr hateful activity.
Her conclusion: Listen to what your child says. You don't have to make your child do things just because someone else's brat does it.
'I can feel a little protest movement gathering force,' said one. Let's see if it catches on.
File under 'Department of the Bleedin' Obvious...' and bang head against brick wall, because it's more fruitful than reading empty-headed bimbos in a so-called quality newspaper.
Lisa O'Kelly she's called, this ridiculous imitation of a journalist. I bet she drives a 4x4. she should try taking the brat for a walk in her local park. Hampstead Heath, no doubt.