In this desert of deprivation and depravity is an oasis or enclave of intellectuals, lefties and achingly concerned. Oh my god, we love our Green Boxes. You know, the ones where the council come round once a week to collect your recyclables. Unfortunately, it seems to be once a month* at the moment, and all us achingly middle-class Guardian/Telelgraph readers are repeatedly saying to each other "Oh yes, the Green Box - gosh, it makes us looks like boozers! Of course, the council hasn't collected it for weeks."
It's partly true, of course.
Jimmy reckons that before the introduction of the Green Box, he had no idea how much booze, especially wine, was consumed indoors. He assumed that people either drank in pubs or not at all. But now, he's a confirmed indoors wine drinker. That's why our box is full. Nothing to do with me, honest, guv.
* this is what happens when the Liberal Tories run the Council. They've even allowed the municipal flowers to die in the municipal hanging baskets. (Imagine if Babylon Borough council had allowed that to happen). And to think that some people base their local vote on national or international politics. Subsidiarity, that's what I say.