It's just a small thing. But, to me, important. When I was at school, all those years ago, we studied Schumann. I was fascinated by Schumann, and, as well as the lessons in school, I read a biography of him. Since then, whenever I've spotted something about him in a magazine or newspaper, I've read it.
I know quite a lot about Schumann, one way or the other - Eusebius and Florestan, the Davidsbündler vs The Philistines etc. I also know a little about his health. According to the interactive Proms Notes on BBC4 this evening he gave up his career as a pianist because of a 'hand injury' and then spent the last few years of his life suffering from depression, before being admitted to a lunatic asylum and dying as a result of his mental illness.
Well, it wasn't a 'hand injury', it was syphillitic stiff fingers. And it wasn't 'depression' and 'mental illness' - well, it was, but it was caused by syphillis. Maybe just a minor point, of interest only to the prurient. However, arguably, an important footnote, because so many 19th Century geniuses were inspired to great works before the lucidity of syphillis was superceded by the lunacy. So, it was factually incorrect to skip over this 'detail'.
I was thinking of sending an email of complaint about unnecessary euphemising. Then I realised that this evening's Prom was produced by Bridget Caldwell, one of the most amazing people I have ever met. A true star, the most glamorous starry person in my entire school. Two years above me, she was the star of music and drama, and had the chutzpah to play the piano very badly (but in that bad way where you need to be good to do it) before and after Assembly on April Fools Day. Despite her glamour and star status, she was totally adorable - and the two old school friends I had dinner with the other week agreed emphatically. I think I even had a very brief crush on her after the foreign language choir for Open Evening at the end of my fourth year, her Lower Sixth.
I suppose I could send her an email personally complaining, emphasising that I'm only repeating what Mrs Bm told my O-Level Music group. But, somehow it seems churlish. And I'm pleased to see she's producing the Proms - no doubt she did a sterling job with Blue Peter and Children in Need, but Bridget and the Proms - lovely lovely music and an absence of stuffiness.