I am so normal normal. Apparently High Blood Pressure is above 150/90 whereas low is below 90/60. Over the years I have had a consistent 120/70 reading, give or take the odd digit.
The day before my shoulder operation ten years ago, the Consultant quizzed me on certain habits. I confessed - truthfully - to 30 cigarettes a day, and said that the previous week, albeit on Audit in Caernarfon with three Welsh rugby boys, I had drunk about five pints a night.
Measuring my blood pressure at 120/80, he said "Young lady, you have a surprisingly normal blood pressure for your lifestyle."
"So, if I gave up smoking I'd be ill...?"
He glared at me.
Today I have had it measured at 99/60. I am - allegedly - three stone overweight, smoke 40+ cigarettes a day, and am partial to the odd bevy.
Go me!