My November 1987 diary is seriously hilarious. Take this
Paul F came up to me, straight out of Stats Tutorial. He said that Dr S is most interested in who I am and would love to meet me. I checked that he wasn't going to seriously beat me up.
But there's also loads about me as seriously Loony Lefty Political hack...
And December 1987
Oh why the hell can't I handle my emotions. Especially over somebody who is an arrogant, self-adoring, humourless Tory. And in thirty or forty years time, I'll read this, when I'm Prime Minister, and James is Leader of the Opposition, and I'll wonder. No, I have this dream that when we are in those positions it is marvelled often in the Press that although we occupy totally opposite ends of the Political spectrum, we get on so well, until, of course, someone points out that we had a wild passionate affair at Nottingham
Hmm, I think if the PM and LofO, who are a mere thirteen months difference in age, happened to have been at the same University, the Press would probably have started quite early on by asking whether they knew each at the other at the time.
And, oh flip, a picture of us together is still on my back room wall. I so have to revamp those photo frames...