So, I got my bloodtest results back. Most of things are normal. Except for my ERS. I'm not entirely sure what they are, but they're double the norrmal range. Which is indicative of a chronic infection or inflammation, which is a major cause of chronic tiredness.
Over the past few days I have read up on the various illnesses for which I was being tested . After a few hours of reading I was imagining writing a blog chronicling my tragic and rapid decline, and waiitng for all the posthumous tributes. And awards, of course. It always kind of sucks that we can't attend our own funerals. And it would be a shame to miss the verbal slanging match when the 'Blog of a Dead Person' wins the Grauniad Award.
So it's vaguely disappointing that I am probably suffering from a disappointingly vague malaise. And have to maintain a distinctively mediocre blog.
I suppose I have to summon up the energy - more psychological than physical - to go round the corner to my GP and demand a referral to an endrocrinologist.
But for now, the sofa beckons.