Mousey brokey - has to be used by holding in hand and manually twirling inside rods.
Must get new mouse.
Must go to Victoria Street.
Maybe I can go to Army and Navy and buy a crochet hook. I own absolutely no crochet hooks.
Discovered in spare room - loads and loads of balls of wool. I fancy crocheting a blanket.
Anyone got any brighter ideas?
Bet you didn't know I was a whizz knitter with a special penchant for fancy multi-coloured designs.
Lots of left over wool.
Can't remember how to crochet, though.
Must buy "Idiots Guide to Crochet". Or Ladybird book. That's how I taught myself to crochet the last blanket I made. It was named after a Hurricane that deterred me from going to Old Trafford despite utter boredom.
Am I the only person who made an active choice between Stretford Ending or crocheting?
I like to think I'm different. Unique. Weird.
Prolly a load of horlicks.