I had a touch of cabin fever at lunchtime. In four days my only 'going out' had been in a car. I felt the need to walk around. Camera less, as well. I shall blog the full details of my lunchtime walk later, but just one observation for now.
I was making a point of looking at things I don't usually see. Westminster Abbey, for example. I normally walk past oblivious. Today I took a proper look at it. I looked at the notice in the porch and my eye fell on the menu for Evensong on Friday. 'The National Anthem!' it said. "Please!" I exclaimed. "I know it's the flagship church of the CofE and I know the CofE is linked with the Stae but blah blah blah blah." My eye travelled upwards and the notice said, 'Accession Day'.
"No, it isn't," I thought. "Accession Day is my birthday." Pause. "Oh! That means Friday must be my birthday."