My gut instinct is telling me to go 'Bah Humbug'. Look, I've written my Christmas cards, I just haven't addressed the envelopes. Yet. I will. Manana manana.
Logically, the way Christmas is celebrated in my world defies logic. Exchange of ideas for gifts. Wouldn't it be easier to just go out and buy what one wants, oneself? But then, it's the thought that counts, so clearly I love my loved ones if I can put up with the physical pain of going into extra-crowded shops to buy stuff they could probably source themselves much more cheaply.
And I love the endless social whirl - works do Thursday, his works do Friday, Messiah Saturday, works team do tomorrow. And there's the bright lights and the general cheeriness. Which is excellent, and, I suspect, closer to the 'real' meaning of Christmas ie a festival of lights (and much eating and drinking) to mark the Solstice. But then, I could have much eating and drinking anyway.
Okay, it will be nice to have a nice quiet day in on Thursday a deux. But do we have much choice? We couldn't really go anywhere, not with there being no pubic transport. There again, with a lot of pubs being closed, maybe we should just drive out somewhere - no problem about drinking.
I still can't decide whether Christmas TV is better or worse than normal. He's threatening to want to go to Mass. I said he's had his religion with the Messiah. That's bad of me. I'm sure I can just dangle the word 'pub' to change his mind. No, that's bad of me.
Maybe I resent the enforced jollity - the last few weeks have been difficult, so it will be nice to relax. Yeah, but maybe. Maybe I'm being a grump - perhaps it's good for our society to have shared community moments. But don't these happen spontaneously.
And all this relaxation. Bah humbug!
I said last week I won't have much time for blog reading. I doubt I will this coming week. And the next week I shall be visiting my computerless mama. Meanwhile, I'm still having that Catholic guilt thing. But if you want to let me know something good you've written, or somebody else has written, do drop a comment.
stands by for zero commentage as I float around oblivious to the fact that I am number one pariah in these parts