I used to be avery good speller. In fact, I am. If someone asks me how to spell a word, with the exception of just a few, I get it tright.
Typing is something entirely different. I've wruitten about htis before, but in the past couple if weeks I seem to have developed a whole new tic - leaving out while portions of words. For example, the post below this originally referred to 'wbsie' rather than wevsite.
You will, of course, have noticed a plethora of errors in this post. these are not deliberate - they just occur as a I try to type the right thing, but, annoting thought it is to read it, I'm leaving this entry llike this to illustrate just how bad my tryping is. Even though my actual spelling is good.
Thankfully, I have a little applet permanently on my task bar - spell-vbs which I ususually use before I post. I originally stole the idea from Owen
If your typing is like mine, and you don't currently have a spell checker, I would heartily recommend it.
It doesn't however, pick up on those ghastly mistaes, such as confusing you're/your and its/it's that I never used to make until I saw all those other peopel doing it and it seaped into my subsconscious.
Nor does it pick up that really embarrassing tic of using the entirely wrong word - saying /napoloeon when you want to say 'loaf of bread, please.'