John's Journal reveals how easy is it to fake a credit card signature.
Yesterday I had to go to the bank to withdraw moolahs and moolahs to tide me over the weekend sans plastic.
It was a relaxed affair; I handed over my passport and a bank statement. She checked my account. As she was printing out the debit slip a man went to the next but one window and said, "I've lost my card, can I withdraw money, I have my passport. " We both laughed. She said there'd been a few that day. I signed the debit slip and she said she would check the signature against the system.
She returned and said "That's fine." I commented , "The signature you have is from when I was eighteen and I'm a bit more than...we won't go there..." She said it hasn't changed.
I knew that, because the Christmas before last, I wanted to transmit some money to my godson who was spending a year (with his parents, including my godmother - my father's goddaughter) in North Carolina. I sat down in comfy chairs and the chap showed me my signature on the screen, expressing surprise at how little it had changed since 1986.
via Krisalis