The atmosphere has been stuffy and sultry all day. Sweatingly hot but no sign of the sun. Wearing only tee-shirt and shorts, with the back door open, just doing the washing up made me sweat. It's normally the thought of doing it that makes me sweat.
For days the weather bods have been predicting thunder storms for Sunday. Thunder storms and flash floods. Great, I thought, nothing beats a thunder storm for clearing the air and freshening the earth. It rained lightly and briefly this morning. It soon dried.
I could smell the electricity hanging in the listless air. Great, I thought, I'm going to watch this.
The day waited for night to fall - which happens jolly late this time of year - and a few minutes ago it began to drizzle. Drizzle is no good. I want Donner und Blitzen, I want the elements colliding in a meteorological spectacular.
I feel cheated.