Last week I had an itch on my back and I scratched it. I drew blood and the scratching didn't ease the itch. I asked a couple of colleagues to have a look and see if there was anything strange about it. "Just a normal spot," said one. "Mosquito bite," said the other. Not to be outdone, the first came back with "Fleas".
It eased, and I forgot about it until that evening when, in the bath, I got an itch on my it, drew blood. Forgot about it.
I woke up in the night with an uncontrollable itch on my leg, scratched it; then the other leg, then my back, my neck, my chest, my right arm, my face. Eventually I got back to sleep, and I woke up to the alarm, my body covered in spots. If I look in the mirror they are barely visible but they are on scrutiny by eye and by hand.
Jimmy said that there's just been a round of chicken pox at the school across the road, but I don't think it's chicken pox. I've had that twice. I was already blogging the last time I had it and these spots seem different. It doesn't seem to be acne related, nor is it eczema, which I was bothered by as a child.
I assume it's an allergic reaction. I haven't changed my detergent brand in years. It might be to something I ate, I suppose, but it seems strange to have had two eruptions a week apart. I doubt it's a reaction to the various homeopathic remedies and vitamins I'm taking, because nothing has changed in months. I haven't got a temperature and although I have a slight stomach ache I suspect that's just because I've been doing an inventory of symptoms.
I don't feel ill, but I'm not sure it's wise to go into work with unexplained weeping sores and scabid rashes littering my body. I'm going to bathe in Balneum Plus and smother myself in emollient, left over from the chicken pox episode. If that does not remove the problem I shall have to bite the bullet and go to my GP. But I really don't need any more time off sick. I suppose I could have my paper files biked over and my electronic files emailed.