Okay, final post until there's actually some news...
What I like about the blog bit of the election is the sheer randomness. People are blogging, or commenting on blogs, from their local perspective. They're not carefully selected according to demographic representativeness nor due to the marginality of their seat, so it's random.
It's like 1997. We were supposed to be in some god awful pub/club on the corner of Atlantic Road/Coldharbour Lane, so awful its name escapes me. I was stood trying to watch the TV but couldn't see it, so I said to Our Leader, stood in front of me, "Jim, could I stand in front of you because I'm 5'2" and I can't see the telly." He said, "Be my guest, but I'm 6'0" and I can't see it." I asked him if he wanted a drink. He said he didn't but I thought I'd get one myself.
Fifteen minutes later I'm screaming at the goddawful bar staff - and I never scream at low paid staff but they were so arseholing achingly treendy as to be utter twunts, employed obviously for their trendy arseachingness than their actual ability to interact with human beings and serve drinks. I screamed, "Do you have to have a dick and two balls to get a drink round here?" I was stone cold sober. They were only serving men. It must have been policy there, because I made the mistake a few weeks later of going in on Sunday afternoon with a friend. There were five customers, six staff and still I stood at the bar for ten minutes being ignored by the achingtrendily arseholers. I told them they were scum, worse than the worst spit-and-sawdust old man's pub. And I never ever darkened the door of the scummy shite Dog Star again.
Anyway at the bar I saw various people from my ward all fed up with the crap service, worse beer and theft-like prices. Someone said we ought to go back to someone's house. We did a quick inventory and realised that we probably had enough booze at our various homes to last until breakfast. We decided on John's house, because Katherine was there, with small child upstairs.
So there's about eight of us in J&K's living room, and suddenly we realised we had the country covered. What with constituencies we variously used to live in, ones where our immediate families or close friends lived, added to by ones where "I knew him at Uni" was standing, and complimented by the ones adjoining them, we had an interest in almost every result.
Ah, there'll never be a night like that again. I'm so glad I didn't spend it in the Twunting DogStar