I've not had leaflets from them all. I felt a funny feeling of nostalgia when I read the Workers Revolutionary Party leaflet - nationalise Rover, abolish Israel, student grants for all. The Tory's leaflet is baffling 'Serious Thinking About Hard Choices for Balham, Brixton, Clapham and Streatham'. Serious Thinking about Hard Choices? Huh?
I've seen a leaflet from one of the independents, which seems entirely pointless - she has some niggle about some of the details of the Clapham Park project. I wonder if her votes will get into double figures.
I'm surprised we haven't got a Respect or Socialist Alliance candidate. Last time we panicked when it flashed up on screen 'Recount in Streatham' and we had to phone someone at the count. Turns out that the SA were about to lose their deposit so wanted to double check. Fair enough.
I had kind of forgotten there was an election coming up until I looked in my folder of tickets and invites and noticed my Polling Card.
You know I'm exaggerating.
But for the first time since 1974 I have failed to be swept up in election fever.
I suppose when you have an incumbent Government that's presiding over a strong economy and investing in public services, yet fails to inspire passion and belief, up against an Opposition Party that are already deciding on their next leader (William Hague?) and are campaigning only to prevent leakage of votes to the extremes, it's not exactly 1992 with all to play for.
Just as long as I don't wake up on Friday morning with Micahel Howard in my bed. I would hate that.