The BBC has a quiz on the sayings of Churchill. As it happens, I can't play it right now because it requires Flash, which is not allowed on the network at work.
But, I wonder, if a random BBC reporter were to wander onto a random street in a random town and quiz random strangers, especially those under a certain age, how many of them would know who Churchill was? A depressingly low number, I would wager.
It is forty years since his funeral. It was one of those General Knowledge questions when I was young - whose was the last State Funeral? I am pretty sure that the Queen Mum (gawd bless 'er soul she was 173 when she snuffed it) had one. But I adopted a pose of studied indifference. Until the Lancaster and two Spitfires flew past my office window, at eye level, really quite close.
I take it you're still with me when I mention Lancasters and Spitfires...?