What consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home is their business etc. There is a danger if one condemns prostitution that one is seen to be on the side of the right-wingers who cant bear the thought of anyone having sex.
Unfortunately, this idea that prostitution falls neatly into clear-cut categories of high-class tarts and crackwhores, and they have nothing in common. The truth is somewhat different. The relationship between prostitutes and punters is one of use. Perhaps, because theyre both using the other, it shouldnt matter.
Being all liberal, we should applaud the so-called Plat du jour because, obviously, she is a free person making a free choice. In endorsing this behaviour, we are, arguably, endorsing that which is far more exploitative. For example, child prostitution. Child prostitution covers both the teenage crackwhore on street corners and the child smuggled in from Eastern Europe and Africa to be act effectively as slaves. You may argue that theyre not really connected the key thing is the difference between consenting adults and exploited children. But a society that condones the objectification of women and the commercialisation of sex is not a society that makes me feel comfortable.
BdJ is all very peachy clean and non-threatening, unlike the existence of most prostitutes, even the high-class ones. They are at high risk of being attacked and even murdered by punters, frequently raped. Furthering the myth that these women do it out of joy and pleasure is an easy way to relieve ones conscience of the desperation that forces women into prostitution and absolves of us any responsibility. Whilst we endorse the transactional nature of high-class prostitutes I think we are also condoning the street prostitutes who proposition children, rob and blackmail random passers-by, and encourage pimps in their destructive behaviours.
And regardless of how well the writer of this work can use English, I dont think its a blog and I think that anybody can write tillating stuff for a period. Keeping it up is much more difficult. So, jolly good fictional website, and lets not allow any moral considerations interrupt our hedonistic twenty-first century existence. I know morality is passé and considered to be right wing, but the award to that site is a clear sign from the Guardians of their contempt for the weblogging community, such as it is.