You know, in a funny way, it's actually nice to come home and not have any junkmail or bills littering my doormat.
On the other hand, I pay £150 a year to get my New Statesman delivered through my door. And my employer pays much moolah so I can have Public Finance delivered through my door.
Then there is the three CDs from Amazon that went missing during the strike. And the book that was despatched last Thursday and, bizarrely, is scheduled to arrive next week or the week after.
So I phoned up the Royal Mail helpline. Apparently sick leave is 'above reserve level', which means that there is insufficient staff to cover absences, and the Expected Time of Delivery for my post code is 1400. Which wouldn't be too bad, but she didn't specify which week.
Perhaps if Royal Mail learnt a few things about staff management, and perhaps paid proper wages, they'd find sick levels remain 'below reserve level'. I wonder if they'll be taking on Temporary Christmas cover this year. I wonder if they will be able to recruit any.
It so makes me laugh when the skivers and scroungers round here complain that there aren't any jobs because 'they' (the immigrants) are taking them, yet Royal Mail can't manage a decent service, partly because they don't offer the wages that competing employers do.