Child prostitution is a subject most of us can ignore, unless it happens in our neighbourhood.
It seems good that a conference is being organised, if that means an impetus to positive action. Also good that the Beeb is covering it. I have to take issue with appalling wording and dubious content of the report. Specifically:
Wendy Shepherd, team leader of the charity's Secos project, said there was an increasing number of boys being abused.
She said: "I think the majority of people don't want to think about boys being involved and being abused.
The implication is that prostitution of boys is a much graver problem, even though evidence available elsewhere suggests that far more girls are involved. A further implication is that girls are fair game, that it's almost normal to use a girl child for sex, whereas the use of a boy child is uniquely abhorrent. The deeper implication in that is that women/girls exist for the sexual gratification of men. This is why I am a feminist.
If I were a gay man, I think I would also find the tone and implications of this piece to be offensive. However, I am struggling to articulate why, so would be grateful for the opinions of gay men, in particular.