I decided yesterday to take today off - I have a bizarre hiatus work-wise. Loads of other people are off today, too. (Could it be the weather?)
Six of us (Gordon, Caroline, Michael, David, Warren and I) went for a mini pub crawl round the streets of Belgravia. The Grouse and Claret, Horse and Groom and Grenadier. The first was quiet - we spread out over two tables on leather banquettes. We sat outside on the cobbled streets for the second, which was slightly surreal, as 4x4s tried to get past carrying their shopping from Harrods. (And would have been useful for Consecutive Number Plate spotting if only I can get a '1'). We stood outside The Grenadier, surrounded by the ugliest examples imaginable of the inbred English Upper Classes. Beer was good in all. I stuck to the session ales.
Home at 9.50, bed 10.30 and I slept till nine!
PS When spell-checking this entry, I was suggested 'Bulgaria' for 'Belgravia'. One day last year, walking past the British Transport Police Station in Victoria I overheard an American woman asking for directions to Belgrade!